Jun 23, 2022
In this episode of the Defence Connect
podcast, former Royal Marine Commando and filmmaker
Emile Ghesson joins host Liam Garman to discuss his recent film
45 Days – The Fight For A Nation documenting the
Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, as well as his last three months
monitoring the conflict in Ukraine.
The podcast begins with a reflection of Ghesson’s 12-year career as
a Royal Marine, spanning service across the world including
Afghanistan and Iraq before working as a high-profile body
The pair then discuss Ghesson’s turn toward documentary making,
joining colleagues in Syria to document the fight against ISIS in
2017, Ukraine in 2019 and Azerbaijan-Armenia in 2020-2021.
45 Days - The Fight For A Nation analyses the recent
Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict from a humanitarian perspective, while
examining the history of intergenerational trauma in Armenia dating
back to the Armenian genocide.
However, when promoting the film in Hollywood –Russia’s began their
invasion of Ukraine, prompting Ghesson to travel to Ukraine to
document the day-to-day of life in Ukraine.
Ghesson details his last three months in Ukraine, providing insight
into the recent conflict direct from the front lines – including
failures within Russian military strategy, irregular warfare behind
enemy lines, the recent siege of Mariupol, and a discussion around
the hotly debated Azov Regiment.
To learn more about Ghesson, you can visit his page
here or view his recent film 45 Days: The Fight For A Nation
Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect Team