Aug 27, 2021
With the recent formation of the Sovereign Missile Alliance
joint venture, Nova Systems and EOS rise to the challenge of
building a sovereign guided munitions capability.
Jim McDowell, Group CEO of Nova Systems and Dr Ben Greene, Group
CEO of EOS join host Liam Garman to unveil the new Sovereign
Missile Alliance (SMA), a joint venture between Nova Systems and
EOS to develop a sovereign guided munitions capability in
The pair discuss how sovereign capability is in the DNA of the SMA,
drawing on an ecosystem of over 600 Australian SMEs to support the
full length of the missile supply chain from design to development
and delivery.
The guests then analyse the importance of a sovereign military
industry in the face of an ever-changing Indo-Pacific, and the role
that the SMA will play in enhancing Australia’s national resilience
by having Australian-based missile expertise and manufacturing.