Jul 15, 2021
In this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, former head of
the ADF’s information warfare division, Major General (retired) Dr
Marcus Thompson, joins host Phil Tarrant to discuss the importance
of building Australia’s defences in the increasingly hostile cyber
Dr Thompson weighs in on the current cyber threat in Australia amid
a spike in malicious activity from both commercially-motivated and
state-based actors.
The former head of the ADF’s information warfare division discusses
the need for greater urgency and accountability among stakeholders,
across both the public and private sectors.
Dr Thompson highlights the value of sovereign cyber capability,
explaining why Australia should reduce its dependence on foreign
service providers to address local challenges.
The retired MAJGEN, who serves as an adviser on the boards of a
number of organisations, also discusses the need to fill cyber
security skills gaps to ensure future generations are equipped to
address emerging challenges in the domain.
Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team