Sep 20, 2021
Cyber Security Uncut is back with the second episode of the
podcast, hosted by Major General (Ret'd) Marcus Thompson, inaugural
head of the Department of Defence’s Information Warfare Division
and Phil Tarrant, director – defence and security at Momentum
The podcast begins by analysing the impact that organisational
budget cuts within the cyber and IT portfolios have had on the
ability for businesses to manage the growing financial risk of
cyber penetration.
The pair continue by analysing where cyber security risk management
teams and chief information security officers (CISOs) should sit in
organisational structures, and what the Australian government’s
cyber security watchdogs are doing to combat this growing
The podcast wraps up by discussing how businesses can better
prepare themselves for cyber penetrations by investigating recent
phishing and ransomware operations.
Enjoy the podcast,
The Cyber Security Connect Team