Jul 26, 2018
US Border Patrol’s top priority is to keep terrorists and their
weapons from entering the US while welcoming all legitimate
travellers and commerce. A role aided by the implementation of
geospatial imagery, mobile technology and consistent systems.
In this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, Assistant Chief of
the US Border Patrol Patrick Stewart joins host Phil Tarrant
following his address at the Australian Security Summit to discuss
how the US is utilising technology to implement its security
directives at the nation’s borders.
Having joined Border Patrol the day following the September 11
attacks, Stewart will share how that event has changed the way in
which they operate, share his thoughts on if technology will
advance to a point where human interaction is no longer necessary,
and discuss how Australia compares to the rest of the world in
terms of border protection.
Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team